WCW Profiles in Pain was a Special Event produced by World Championship Wrestling, which took place on May 2, 1998 , at the North Charleston Coliseum in North Charleston, South Carolina.
The main event of the show was The Giant vs. Kevin Nash.
Below you can find the full match card and results of WCW Profiles in Pain, and more information about the event.
Event Info
- Event Name WCW Profiles in Pain
- Promotion
World Championship Wrestling
- Event Type Special Event
- Country
United States
- Location North Charleston, South Carolina
- Event Date May 2, 1998
- Year 1998
- Arena North Charleston Coliseum
- Network Internet (iPPV); WCW Website (Audio Stream Only)
- Main Event The Giant vs. Kevin Nash
WCW Profiles in Pain Results
- Ernest Miller defeats Yuji Nagata
- The Barbarian defeats Bobby Eaton
- High Voltage (Kenny Kaos & Robbie Rage) defeat The Flock (Kidman & Sick Boy)
- Saturn defeats Fit Finlay
WCW World Television Championship
Chris Benoit defeats Booker T (c) to win the title - Diamond Dallas Page defeats Raven
- The Giant defeats Kevin Nash via DQ