We bring to you a fully updated Big Cass for WWE 2K18, complete with his Heel Entrance Motions, Stage Graphics, Lighting, Attire and Custom Titantron!
- Titantron Movie: CUSTOM TITANTRON (made with Create A Video, read below for how to download it)
- Ribbon Movie: Rhyno
- Wall & Banner Movie: Darren Young
- Stage Ramp Movie: American Alpha
- Apron & Ring Post Movie: The Usos
- Intro: Chris Jericho '00
- Stage: Diesel
- Ramp: Diesel
- Ring In: Big Cass
- Ring: Respect The Nation 1
- Intro: AJ Styles
- Stage: AJ Styles
- Ramp: JBL
- Ring In: JBL
- Ring: Lighting 09
How To Download and Apply the Custom Titantron:
You can find the Background Image and the BIG CASS Logo to make the Titantron on PS4 Community Creations by searching Images with hashtags (uploaded by AndyBadwool):
- Big Cass
- TheSDHotel
- Titantron
Here is a tutorial on how to implement it:
- Go to Create An Arena, add a Titantron to the Stage and put the Background Image inside the Titantron at full screen.
- Then start a match in this Created Arena, save a clip to Highlight Reel.
- Then go to Highlight Reel and by using the Free Camera, position the Camera so that it only focuses on the Titantron. Save the video.
- Now you can use this video with the Background Image in Create A Video. Put in the Bottom Layer.
- In the above Layer, add the BIG CASS Logo and play around with the Image Animations that you like the most. You can add the Logo multiple times with different Image Animations to fill the whole duration of the video (30 seconds)
- Save the video and then apply it to your Create-An-Entrance. Long process but worth it!
The only downside is that you can't stretch the BIG CASS Video to cover the whole size of the Raw Titantron, you can only make the "classic" 16:9-sized Titantron.