The Tag Team match has a notable variant known as the Tornado Tag Team match (initially called the Texas Tornado match).
In this version, all participants are involved simultaneously, eliminating the need for tags. This means that all wrestlers - whether four, six, or more - compete at the same time. The match still concludes with the first pinfall or submission, which can be achieved by any member of a team against any member of the opposing team, as long as it occurs within the ring.
While disqualification (DQ) is a factor, it cannot occur due to illegal involvement by non-legal wrestlers, since all are considered legal participants. Disqualification in this match type is usually due to more severe violations, such as the use of foreign objects or outside interference. Count-out is generally not enforced in this match, as managing a count for multiple wrestlers outside the ring is impractical.
The Tornado Tag Team match can also be contested under Elimination rules, adding another layer to the match dynamics.
Tornado Tag Team Match: Info
- Match Category Rules Variation
- Variant of Tag Team Match Handicap Match Elimination Match
- N. of Competitors 4 - 8