New to the WWE Franchise is the Collectable Card mode called MyFaction!
You have the opportunity to create a faction and give it a Name, Logo, and Wallpaper, then compete in various battles to gain MyFaction Points (MF) and Tokens.
In this guide, we are going to go over all the features of this new Mode and the different ways that you can earn the points needed to build the best MyFaction you can!
WWE 2K22 MyFaction: The Line-Up
You can assign 4 Male Superstars and 4 Female Superstars to become part of your faction. You can freely choose from any of the cards in your collection but to compete they must have Contracts available. These are unlocked as rewards or purchasable for a small amount of MF.
Similar to other Modes, Superstars have a Style and Payback. Different Styles give different objectives to grant you more MF at the end of the match. These are visible at the Pause Screen under Match Actions.
Some Superstars' Rarity can be increased by completing challenges specific to that Superstar. Evolution Cards can be viewed under the Headquarters Tab from the MyFaction Main Screen.
Unique to MyFaction are Badges. These are buffs that trigger in different situations during a match. Knowing what boosts your Superstars will receive can help you turn a match around by playing to their strengths. This can also lead to powerful combinations where, for example, your Heavy Attack adds more to the Stun Meter and you do more damage against a Stunned opponent.
Temporary Boosts to stats can be equipped in the form of Sideplates. Cards of greater Rarity can equip more Sideplates and these last several matches. The higher tier cards can have more equipped.
Your choice of Manager Card further increases the Attributes of your Line-Up. They too have a style that increases different attributes based on their Rarity. How much they affect your attributes can be viewed easily in MyCollection under the Headquarters Tab.
So you have your Faction and chosen your Superstars, now what? There are three different Play Modes to choose from!
WWE 2K22 MyFaction: Proving Grounds
Conquering these matches is one of the best ways to gain Tokens. There are 5 Chapters featuring Eras of WWE. Each of these Chapters has 6 Segments and each Segment has 7 matches for a total of 210 different matches to play through.
While selecting a match it lists both Win Condition and Time Limit so it is probable that some of the later matches may have added stipulations.
To unlock all the rewards you will need to collect Medals by winning on Legendary Difficulty and earning 90 MFP. This means completing most of the objectives found under Match Actions.
Each Segment also has 3 Challenges that will give you Consumables, Cosmetics, and a Superstar Card. Given the number of matches required these should take care of themselves as you prove your Faction's dominance in the WWE, but it doesn't hurt to keep track and try to make the most of these matches.
WWE 2K22 MyFaction: Weekly Towers
Each of these Towers is a set of 5 Matches taking place in a specific arena featuring a variety of Match Types and Opponents. The goal is to win while gaining the required amount of MFP during the match. The difficulty is locked to Normal so they tend to be faster-paced than other Modes under MyFaction.
Completing a Weekly Tower will gain you the featured reward which can be anything from MF to Packs available from the store.
You must complete the previous Tower to progress to the next and they don't disappear as a new one arrives. At the time of this writing, there are 21 Towers.
It can appear to be a daunting task but due to the quick nature of most of the matches, I recommend getting the required MFP and finishing the match as fast as possible.
WWE 2K22 Faction Wars
These 4V4 Battles are the ultimate test for your Faction. Winning a match will not only grant you MFP but a chance to select a Briefcase for a random reward. What a Briefcase unlocks changes from time to time but they will be chosen from the rewards usually available in this mode.
Winning a match in Faction Wars has a separate reward for Total Wins. There is a staggering 500 total wins needed to get everything.
These wins don't need to be consecutive, however, and on the way you will unlock some decent MF to help you get even more cards from the store.
WWE 2K22 MyFaction: Rewards
At the time of this writing, there are 955 Cards to unlock in total. This does include managers and Faction Customization cards, as well as Cards you get for unlocking cards.
There are many duplicate Superstar Cards that may vary in strength or have different Attires as well.
The Cards added by new store Packs since the release of the game are not limited time so while there is a great deal of catching up to do, at least nobody misses out on cards.
Locker Codes are given out by WWE 2K22 periodically (lately around the time of a WWE PPV). Read more details on Locker Codes and an updated list.
Tokens are used to buy cards at the Token Market. Here you get to choose what card to unlock, eventually leading to cards of Diamond Rarity.
Card Packs are purchasable with MF or VC. There are plenty of ways to earn all the cards needed without needing to worry about having to buy VC.
Each day there are 3 Daily Challenges for bonus MF or Tokens and the Lifetime Challenges are appropriately named but are mostly unlocked simply by playing the Modes in MyFaction. Sadly completing all these Lifetime Challenges is also a Trophy/Achievement.
Logging in daily gives you a Daily Log In Bonus of MF or Tokens and logging in 5 days a week grants you a Loyalty Reward which is typically a card Pack
All things considered, this is a mode that requires a massive amount of effort to complete compared to the other options in WWE 2K22. For some, it is too big a mountain to climb and for others, it is an endless challenge to tackle once you have mastered and grown too comfortable with the rest of the game.