Big Show (NEW): Forearm; Forearm & Irish Whip; Corner Hip Attack & Running Shoulder Block
CM Punk (NEW): Spinning Back Kick & Irish Whip; Two Calf Kicks; Arm-Trap Neckbreaker
Daniel Bryan: Turnbuckle Flip; Ducking opponent’s clothesline; Running Elbow
Edge: Running Forearm; Clothesline; Half-Nelson Facebuster
John Cena: Shoulder Block; Shoulder Block; Proto Bomb
Kofi Kingston: Dropkick; Back Chop; High Jump Clothesline
Randy Orton: Clothesline; Clothesline; Snap Powerslam
Rey Mysterio: Diving Seated Senton; Springboard Crossbody; Wheelbarrow Bulldog
Shawn Michaels: Flying Forearm & Kip Up; Atomic Drop; Body Slam
Sheamus: (NEW): Running Double Axe Handle; Running Double Axe Handle; Front Powerslam
Superstar (John Morrison's): Clothesline; Clothesline; Running Calf Kick
The Undertaker: Corner Splash & Snake Eyes; Running Big Boot; Running Leg Drop
Triple H: Punch; Punch & Irish Whip; Knee Facebuster

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