
Tonight marks a historic moment in sports entertainment history: The 1,000th episode of Monday Night Raw, featuring a D-Generation X reunion, the return of Brock Lesnar, a WWE Title Match and even a goshdarn wedding. Celebrate the longest running serialized television show in history by treating yourself to some half-off WWE Games downloadable content!

Starting tomorrow, July 24 and running through Monday, July 30, you can download digital truckloads of WWE Games DLC on PlayStation Network, all for 50% off. This limited time promotion includes the following:

  • All WWE All Stars DLC packs on PSN, including the All-Time Greats Pack, which features WWE Superstar Chris Jericho, WWE Hall of Famers Jerry "The King" Lawler and Hawk & Animal of the Road Warriors.
  • All WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 DLC on PSN.
  • All WWE '12 DLC on PSN, including "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Batista and legendary DX member Shawn Michaels.

This special promotion only lasts a week, so make sure to log on to PlayStation Network and stock up on all your favorite Superstars and Legends starting tomorrow! If you've been holding out on beefing up your personal roster, here's your chance to pull off your own brand extension.

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