• Video

Just like last year, WWE 2K Dev has released a video showing off all the brand new Finishers that have been added to WWE 2K17. But this time, we can actually catch a glimpse of all the animations, we suggest to watch the video at 0.25x speed to check them out!

WWE 2K17 New Finishers List:

  1. Ankle Pick/Knee Crusher Combo
  2. Arm Drag 6
  3. Arm Trap Crossface (Border City Stretch/Gargano Escape/Iron Maiden)
  4. Asuka Lock 1
  5. Asuka Lock 2
  6. Avalanche Bayley to Belly
  7. Avalanche Rolling Hills (Avalanche Finlay Roll/Greenbay Plunge)
  8. Avalanche Side Slam (Avalanche Sidewalk Slam)
  9. Back Stabber 2 (Lungblower)
  10. Backdrop Suplex 3
  11. Backpack Facebuster
  12. Bank Statement
  13. Bankrupt
  14. Bayley Press
  15. Bayley to Belly Suplex
  16. Bayleyplex
  17. Beats of the Bodhran 2
  18. Big Boot 12
  19. Big Boot 13
  20. Blissful Curb Stomps
  21. Brainbuster 3
  22. Brainbuster 4
  23. Bronco Buster 4
  24. Clothesline 13
  25. Code of Silence
  26. Corner Exploder Suplex 3
  27. Corner Trapped Kicks 3
  28. Corner Trapped Chop/Punch Combo
  29. Cross Armbar 2
  30. Deep Six
  31. Dis-Arm-Her 1
  32. Dis-Arm-Her 2
  33. Diving Arm Drag 2
  34. Diving Double Axe Handle 4
  35. Diving Knee Drop 2
  36. Dragon Sleeper 3
  37. Elbow Drop/Knee Strike Combo
  38. Electric Chair Facebuster
  39. Electric Chair Powerbomb
  40. Elevated Triangle Choke (Braun's Kata-Gatame)
  41. Empress Combination
  42. Exploder Suplex 3
  43. F-5 4
  44. Falling Headbutt 3
  45. Falling Powerbomb (Kane's old Powerbomb finisher)
  46. Figure 8 Leglock
  47. Flying Cross Chop
  48. Foot Choke 3
  49. Forearm Smash/Bulldog Combo
  50. Four Leg Clover
  51. Glitter Blizzard
  52. Gloating Knee Press
  53. Gory Special
  54. Gourdbuster 4
  55. Guillotine Choke 2
  56. Gutwrench Superplex
  57. Hammerlock Back Suplex
  58. Hammerlock Northern Lights Suplex
  59. Hammerlock Reverse DDT
  60. Handstand Foot Choke
  61. Heart Punch
  62. Hells Gate 2
  63. Indian Deathlock 2
  64. Insult to Injury
  65. Inverted Figure 4 Leglock 2
  66. Knee Drop 11
  67. Knee Drop 12
  68. Knee Smash/Reverse DDT Combo
  69. Kneeling Armbar Takedown
  70. Knife Edge Chop 7
  71. Koronco Buster 1
  72. Leg Breaker 2
  73. Leg Trapped Camel Clutch
  74. Looping Palm Strike
  75. Low Blow 4
  76. Middle Rope Forearm 2
  77. Middle Rope Phoenix Splash
  78. Military Drop Gutbuster
  79. Muta Lock
  80. O'Connor Roll German Suplex (The Chaos Theory)
  81. Overhand Hammer Fist
  82. Overhead Belly to Belly 4
  83. Overhead Belly to Belly 5
  84. Pele Kick 3
  85. Phenomenal Blitz
  86. Pop-Up Meteora
  87. Pop-Up Styles Clash
  88. Pumphandle Gutbuster 2
  89. Pumphandle Neckbreaker 1
  90. Pumphandle Slam 3
  91. Pumphandle Suplex 4
  92. Pumphandle Uranage
  93. Rapid Leg Drops
  94. Rear Chest Strike
  95. Rolling Kneebar 2
  96. Rolling Monkey Flip
  97. Rope Hung DDT 1
  98. Rope Hung Meteora (Sasha's Double Knee Drop in the corner)
  99. Rope Hung Neckbreaker 2
  100. Running Body Press 3
  101. Running Crossbody 4
  102. Running Double Axe Handle 2
  103. Running Forearm Smash 3
  104. Running Front Chop Block
  105. Running Hip Attack 3
  106. Samoan Drop 7
  107. Schoolboy Powerbomb 2
  108. Scoop Slam/Punch Combo
  109. Shin Breaker/Dragon Screw Combo
  110. Shoulder Post Snapmare
  111. Single Leg Boston Crab 2
  112. Sit-Out Crucifix Powerbomb
  113. Sit-Out Powerbomb 2
  114. Slay-O Mission (The Spider Twist)
  115. Slingshot Legdrop
  116. Snapmare & Chop/Kick Combo
  117. Spear 6
  118. Spear/Belly to Belly Combo
  119. Spinning Armbreaker
  120. Spinning Backfist 2
  121. Spiral Tap
  122. Springboard Frog Splash
  123. STF Camel Clutch 1
  124. STF Camel Clutch 2
  125. Stretch Muffler
  126. Styles Clash
  127. Superplex/Falcon Arrow Combo
  128. Tilt-a-Whirl DDT
  129. Tope Atomico 2
  130. Torture Rack Bomb
  131. Torture Rack Neckbreaker
  132. Tree of Woe Boot Stomp 2 (Del Rio's Tree of Woe Double Stomp)
  133. Twisted Bliss
  134. Underhook Armdrag
  135. Wheelbarrow Facebuster 1
  136. Wheelbarrow Facebuster 2
  137. Whiplash Neckbreaker
  138. Yokosuka Cutter
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