Previous Games abilities that have been completely removed: Evasive Dodge, Lock Pick, Referee Shield, Taunt Thief, Hardcore Resurrection, Possum Pin and Fan Favourite.

Previous Games abilities that now will be available to all Superstars and CAWs: Object Specialist, Exploder TB Attack, Pull-Back Attacks and Strong Strikes.



  • Details: To pin your opponent with both of your legs propped up on the third rope.
  • 360 Controls: When your opponent is grounded near the ropes, press B to execute a pinfall.
  • PS3 Controls: When your opponent is grounded near the ropes, press O to execute a pinfall.


  • Details: Use your opponent's finisher or signature move.
  • 360 Controls: Press RB + Y. You have 75% of your momentum gauge.
  • PS3 Controls: Press R1 + Triangle. You have 75% of your momentum gauge.


  • Details: Slam an opponent into the corner with an irish whip, causing him to fall to ringside.
  • 360 Controls: Hold down B during irish whip.
  • PS3 Controls: Hold down O during irish whip.


  • Details: Superstars/Divas with a higher probability of kicking out of pins and escaping out of struggle submission.
  • 360 Controls: Automatic Operation when Superstar is pinned or put into a submission.
  • PS3 Controls: Automatic Operation when Superstar is pinned or put into a submission.


  • Details: Massage a damaged limb to restore a small amount of health.
  • 360 Controls: Hold Y.
  • PS3 Controls: Hold Triangle.


  • Details: Use Kip-Up to instantly get up from a grounded state.
  • 360 Controls: When your character is heavily damaged and grounded, press Y.
  • PS3 Controls: When your character is heavily damaged and grounded, press Triangle.


  • Details: The following can be reversed into a rolling pin: Groggy grapple, Dash strike and grapple, Irish whip rebound strike, Grapple.
  • 360 Controls: When your opponent is heavily damaged you are able to reverse moves with RT and roll them into a pin.
  • PS3 Controls: When your opponent is heavily damaged you are able to reverse moves with R2 and roll them into a pin.


  • Details: Superstars with this ability are able to perform 3 finishers with a full momentum bar.
  • The Fired Up ability is disabled during Royal Rumble matches.
  • 360 Controls: Hold RB + press Y when your momentum is at maximum.
  • PS3 Controls: Hold R2 + press Triangle when your momentum is at maximum.


  • Details: Escape to ringside when grounded near the ropes.
  • 360 Controls: When grounded near the ropes, press LB.
  • PS3 Controls: When grounded near the ropes, press L1.


  • Details: Execute a springboard attack from the apron. You will also be able to climb the corner post more quickly than normal.
  • This ability is not available for Super Heavyweights.
  • 360 Controls: Move LS and press X.
  • PS3 Controls: Move L-Stick and press Square.


  • Details: Execute a diving attack or running diving attack against an opponent who is outside the ring.
  • This ability is not available for Super Heavyweights.
  • 360 Controls: Press X while leaning into the ropes, or run across the ring and press X.
  • PS3 Controls: Press Square while leaning into the ropes, or run across the ring and press Square.

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