(Players will be able to stitch together a maximum of four audio clips toward the creation of any custom ring introduction)

A: Aaron, Abs, Ace, Action, Adams, Akane, Akira, Alan, Alexander, Ali, Alice, Alien, Alpha, Amateur, Ambiguous, American, Andersen, Andrew, Angel, Angus, Arcade, Arch, Archangel, Asian, Azrael

B: Baby, Bad, Bailey, Baker, Balmer, Barbarian, Barnett, Bart, Bear, Bell, Belt, Ben, Bernie, Big, Biker, Bill, Bison, Black, Blade, Blank, Blizzard, Blue, Bob, Booger, Bouncer, Boy, Brawler, Brian, British, Brittany, Brody, Brooklyn, Brother, Brown, Bruce, Bruiser, Bryant, Buggy, Burglar, Buster

C: Caffeine, Campbell, Canadian, Captain, Carter, Cassidy, Cat, Champ, Chang, Chef, Chen, Chet, Chief, Chimera, Cho, Chris, Chuck, Clarence, Clark, Cliff, Clinton, Cloud, Cobra, Cockroach, Coconut, Cole, Colin, Colt, Commander, Communist, Convict, Cooper, Cop, Corporate, Corpse, Cory, Cowboy, Crack, Craig, Crazed, Crazy, Crimson, Crocodile, Cruise, Crusty, Cyborg

D: Daddy, Dallas, Dan, Danger, Daring, Dark, Darrell, David, Davis, Deal, Defector, Devon, Dinosaur, Dirty, Disaster, Diva, Doc, Doctor, Dog, Dojo, Dominator, Don, Double, Dublin, Duke, Dynamite

E: Eagle, Earl, East, Eater, Ed, El, Electric, Eliminator, Emerson, Eric, Expert, Eye

F: Falcon, Fanboy, Fast, Fisher, Flying, Fool, Fox, Franco, Frank, Freaky, Frenchman, Funky, Funny, Future

G: Gabe, Gaming, Gangster, Garcia, Gary, Gates, Genius, George, Ghost, Giant, Gilbert, Girl, God, Gold, Golden, Goldman, Gonzales, Good, Goth, Grabber, Graham, Grandma, Grandpa, Grave, Gray, Great, Green, Greg, Griffin, Grime, Grizzly, Groovy, Gun, Guy

H: Hacker, Hammer, Hammett, Harris, Harry, Heavenly, Heavy, Henry, Hero, Hideous, Hill, Holly, Hollywood, Homer, Hood, Hooligan, Howard, Hugh, Hundred, Hunter

I: Ian, Icon, Icy, Iron, Irritating

J: Jack, Jaguar, Jake, James, Japanese, Jay, Jefe, Jeffrey, Jesse, Jessica, Jester, Jet, Jim, Jimmy, Jin, Job, Joe, John, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Josh, Judge, Judo, Jun, Just, Justice, Justin

K: Karate, Kareem, Keith, Ken, Kendo, Kevin, Killer, King, Kirk, Kisser, Kitty, Kline, Kobayashi, Korean, Kowalczyk, Kurt

L: Lance, Lassiter, Lauren, Lee, Legend, Leon, Lewis, Liam, Lightning, Lilith, Log, Long, Lopez, Lovecraft, Lover, Lunatic, Lurking

M: Macho, Macleod, Madman, Magic, Majestic, Malcolm, Mall, Man, Maniac, Manly, Mantis, Marcus, Mark, Marshall, Martin, Martinez, Marty, Masked, Master, Mastodon, Matsuda, Matsumoto, Maverick, Max, McDonald, McGregor, Mechanic, Mega, Member, Men, Mercer, Metal, Meticulous, Mexican, Mick, Mike, Miles, Miller, Mime, Mini, Mitchell, Mommy, Monkey, Monster, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Mortal, Motor, Mr., Mrs., Ms., Mummy, Murphy, Muscle, Mutant

N: Natural, Navajo, Nelson, Nerd, New, Nightmare, Ninja, Nitro, Noah, North, Nose, Nut

O: Octopus, Old, Oliver, Olympian, Omega, Oozing, Orange, Otaku, Outlaw, Owen

P: Pain, Palmer, Panda, Panther, Park, Parker, Pastor, Pathetic, Pathological, Patriotic, Paul, Penguin, Perez, Peter, Phantom, Phenom, Pierre, Pirate, Playboy, Poker, Powell, Prince, Princess, Pristine, Pro, Professor, Purple

Q: Queen, Quinn, Quitter

R: Rabid, Ralston, Ramirez, Randy, Real, Red, Ricardo, Richard, Rick, Riley, Ring, Rivera, Robinson, Rocker, Rocky, Rodriguez, Ronald, Roy, Russ, Russian, Ryan

S: Sam, Samoan, Samurai, Sanchez, Santos, Sapp, Savior, Scorpion, Scott, Scottish, Screaming, Sears, Senator, Sensation, Sergeant, Sergio, Serpent, Seth, Sexy, Shane, Shaw, Shawn, Show, Shrinker, Silent, Silva, Silver, Sister, Skater, Skinner, Slate, Small, Smasher, Smith, Smoking, Sniper, Snow, Sokolov, Soldier, Sophia, Soul, South, Soviet, Spectacular, Stalker, Stallion, Star, Stephen, Steve, Stick, Storms, Street, Strong, Stunt, Submission, Sue, Sullivan, Sunshine, Superstar, Surfer, Surgeon, Suzuki

T: Tank, Tattooed, Taylor, Teacher, Technical, Ted, Teenager, The, Terror, Thief, Thighs, Thing, Thomas, Thompson, Thousand, Thunder, Tickler, Tiger, Tiny, Todd, Tokyo, Tom, Tony, Tornado, Torres, Toy, Trevor, Triple, Trouble, Troy, Turner, Turtle, Twin

U: Ugly, Ultimate, Ultra, Uncle, Unstoppable

V: Vega, Victor, Viper, Virtual, Voodoo

W: Walker, Wall, Walter, Warden, Warlock, Washington, Watson, Wayne, Webmaster, West, Whiny, White, William, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Witch, Wolverine, Wrestler

X: Xander

Y: Yama, Yap, Yellow, York, Yosef, Young, Youngblood


1. The Agents
2. The Alliance
3. The Bank
4. The Bikers
5. The Blood Brothers
6. The Boom Squad
7. The Bullies
8. The Bushwackers
9. The Cartel
10. The C.I.A
11. The Circle
12. The Cleaners
13. The Coalition
14. The Corporation
15. The Corre
16. The Cosa Nostra
17. The Crew
18. Demolition
19. The Disciples
20. Evolution
21. The Family
22. The F.B.I
23. The Four Horsemen
24. The Grinders
25. The Hooligans
26. The Industry
27. The Infiltrators
28. The Inmates
29. The Insiders
30. The Kliq
31. The Knights Of The Round Table
32. The League
33. The Legends
34. The Luchadors
35. The Madness
36. The Maniacs
37. The Martyrs
38. The Mean Street Posse
39. The Mega Stars
40. The Militia
41. The Ministry
42. The Misfits
43. The Monsters
44. The Nation
45. The New Nexus
46. The Nexus
47. The N.W.O
48. The Old Gods
49. The Olympians
50. The Order
51. The Originals
52. The Patriots
53. The Power House
54. The Power Trip
55. Pretty Mean Sisters
56. The Queens
57. The Rangers
58. The Red Army
59. The Red Faction
60. The Republic
61. The Rough Riders
62. The Stooges
63. The Superstars
64. The Syndicate
65. The Team
66. The Terrors
67. The Tough Guys
68. The Tribe
69. The Undead
70. The Union
71. The United Kingdom
72. Varsity Club
73. The Villagers
74. The Wolfpack

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