• Attitude Era

Faarooq is featured as a playable character in the WWE Champions Roster, as part of the WWE Superstar roster in the Attitude Era.

Faarooq is classed as a Chaotic Striker in the game.


After falling out with The Rock and disbanding the Nation of Domination, Faarooq went back to his real name and teamed with JBL as The APA. As tough as they come, the two drank beer, smoked cigars and raised a lot of hell while winning the World Tag Team Titles three times between 1999 and 2001.

SPECIALS: Snap Scoop Powerslam, Leaping Shoulder Block, Thrust Spinebuster, Backbreaker, Military Press Slam, Belly to Back Suplex

FINISHER: Dominator

TAG LINKS: Attitude Era, Acolytes Protection Agency

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