Hard Day At The Office? Try Running A Wrestling Show! The Most Dangerous Office Job In The World!

This serves as the sequel to Booking MPire, and a follow up of the Wrestling Encore game, allowing players to book matches & shows.

Cheats & Secrets

  • Press ALT + F over a promotion in the editing screen to automatically unlock it...
  • Use keys Q/W at the editing screen to adjust the bank balance of a promotion...
  • Use keys A/S at the editing screen to adjust the popularity of a promotion...
  • Use keys Z/X at the editing screen to adjust the reputation of a promotion...
  • Press CTRL + P over a production to automatically activate it...
  • Press B over a character in the editor to automatically make them the booker...
  • Press W over a character in the editor to automatically make them the World champion...
  • Press I over a character in the editor to automatically make them the Inter champion...
  • Press T or Y over a character in the editor to automatically make them a Tag champion...
  • Press DELETE to restart a finished match (at the cost of halving the current score)...
  • Press CTRL + END during a match to decrease the health of all participants...
  • Hold down the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON in meetings to view a different set of stats...
  • Press ATTACK + RUN when "Special" to perform your opponent's finisher!
  • Press ALT + X during a match to produce a random explosion...
  • Press BACKSPACE over a character in the editor to reset their health status...
  • Hold down the D key when viewing a roster to see each wrestler's file number...
  • Press BACKSPACE over a promotion in the editing screen to enter a new long name...
  • Press DELETE over a promotion in the editing screen to enter a new abbreviation...
  • Press ALT + C at the editing screen to re-evaluate the contracts of all wrestlers...
  • Press ALT + J at the editing screen to jumble up the rosters!
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