The WWE 2K Battlegrounds Roster features more than 70 WWE Superstars and Legends at launch, with more unlockable Superstars to come via future free updates.

Each Superstar in WWE 2K Battlegrounds utilizes one of 5 Class Styles. Each class style plays differently, with its strengths and weaknesses, and its own Special Moves and Combos.

All Superstars & Legends have distinct techniques and advantages that other classes do not have, such as unique abilities and combinations. You can also assign a Class to your Created Characters.

If you use information from this article, please credit, as we manually typed down all the details, statistics, and special moves, and combo list.

Full list of Class Styles in WWE 2K Battlegrounds:

WWE 2K Battlegrounds features the following Superstar Class Styles:

  1. Powerhouse
  2. Brawler
  3. Technician
  4. High-Flyer
  5. All-Rounder

Experiment with different classes to find the one that best matches your play style. When you pick your Superstar in WWE 2K Battlegrounds, make sure to choose the style that works best for you!

Below you find the Pros & Cons of using each Character Class in WWE 2K Battlegrounds, with the strengths and weaknesses of each class / style. You also find the controls for how to perform each Special Moves and the full list of Combos controls for all Classes in WWE 2K Battlegrounds.

Note: In addition to the Class, a Superstar's Overall Rating also matters: the higher the Overall, the more health they have and the more damage they inflict.

Powerhouse Class

Powerhouses are the strongest superstars in the WWE Universe. They have an arsenal of powerful moves and heavy strikes. However, they lack in speed and stamina. They also cannot perform diving moves or running throws.

Powerhouse Class Attributes

  • Speed
  • Health
  • Stamina
  • Punch
  • Kick
  • Throw
  • Aerial combat

Powerhouse Class Special Moves & Combos List Controls

Powerhouses can only perform Combos that end in a punch. They can perform 3 Special Moves, 4 Combos, and 5 Special Throws.

Special MovesPS4Xbox One
Driving Range (Double-axe-handle Uppercut) L2 + Square LT + X
Seismic Smash (Punch to the ground) L2 + X LT + A
Big Foot (Big Boot) L2 + Triangle LT + Y
CombosPS4Xbox One
Coffin Nail (Overhead Haymaker Punch) Square Square Square X X X
Stone Crusher (Jumping Knee Strike) Triangle Triangle Triangle Y Y Y
Chopping Block (Overhead Double-axe-handle) Square Triangle Square X Y X
Earmuffs (Bell Clap) Triangle Square Square Y X X
Special ThrowsPS4Xbox One
London Bridge (Vertical Suplex Slam) R-up R-up
Furious Fling (Overhead Swing) R-down R-down
The Log Toss (Body Slam to Elbow Drop) R-left R-left
Full Throttle (Choke Slam) R-right R-right
Special Delivery (Kick to Over-the-Shoulder Toss) L2 + R-up LT + R-up

Brawler Class

While they don't excel in speed or grappling, Brawlers are masters of striking and use of weapons. They are experts in using chairs, sticks, or whatever else they find lying around. Brawlers also have good health and stamina.

Brawler Class Attributes

  • Speed
  • Health
  • Stamina
  • Punch
  • Kick
  • Throw
  • Aerial combat

Brawler Class Special Moves & Combos List Controls

Brawlers can only perform Combos that end in a punch. They can perform 3 Special Moves, 4 Combos, and 4 Special Throws.

Special MovesPS4Xbox One
Deepfake (Decoy Punch) L2 + Square LT + X
The Kitchen Sink (3-hit Combo) L2 + X LT + A
Feet First (Double-footed Dropkick) L2 + Triangle LT + Y
CombosPS4Xbox One
Bull Rush (Human Battering Ram) Square Square Square X X X
Vicious Cycle (Leaping Bicycle Kick) Triangle Triangle Triangle Y Y Y
Jewel Thief (Low Blow) Square Triangle Square X Y X
Glasgow Kiss (Leaping Headbutt) Triangle Square Square Y X X
Special ThrowsPS4Xbox One
Dental Work (Neckbreaker Triple Hit Combo) R-up R-up
Take a Break (Gorilla Press Backbreaker) R-right R-right
Submission Psych-Out (Blowing dust into eyes) L2 + R-down LT + R-down
Thunder Hammer (Launching Hammer Strikes) L2 + R-left LT + R-left

Technician Class

Technicians are masters of the ring, and unrivaled at using counters and submitting opponents. They are specialist in wrestling techniques, throws, submissions, and reversals.

Technician Class Attributes

  • Speed
  • Health
  • Stamina
  • Punch
  • Kick
  • Throw
  • Aerial combat

Technician Class Special Moves & Combos List Controls

Technicians can only perform Combos that end in a kick. They can perform 2 Special Moves, 4 Combos, and 5 Special Throws.

Special MovesPS4Xbox One
Fist of the Dragon (Backfist) L2 + Square LT + X
Power Surge (Explosive release of energy) L2 + X LT + A
CombosPS4Xbox One
Pistol Whip (Superman Punch) Square Square Square X X X
Boot Sandwich (Feint Heel Kick) Triangle Triangle Triangle Y Y Y
Falling Star (Aerial Spinning Heel Kick) Square Triangle Triangle X Y Y
Thunderclap (Jumping Side Kick) Triangle Square Triangle Y X Y
Special ThrowsPS4Xbox One
Back to Earth (Jumping Fireman's Carry Powerslam) R-up R-up
Monster Mash (Reverse Frankensteiner) R-left R-left
Head Banger (Jumping Brainbuster DDT) R-right R-right
Power Wrench (Flying Armbar Takedown) L2 + R-up LT + R-up
Kneel Before the King (Inverted Kneebuster) L2 + R-down LT + R-down

High-Flyer Class

Quick and agile, a High Flyer's arsenal relies on lighting speed and aerial combat, being specialists in jumping off the ropes and turnbuckles. They move faster and have more stamina than other classes, but don't have a lot of health.

High-Flyer Class Attributes

  • Speed
  • Health
  • Stamina
  • Punch
  • Kick
  • Throw
  • Aerial combat

High-Flyer Class Special Moves & Combos List Controls

High-Flyers can only perform Combos that end in a kick. They can perform 3 Special Moves, 4 Combos, and 5 Special Throws.

Special MovesPS4Xbox One
Whiplash (Aerial Rolling Savate Kick) L2 + Square LT + X
Forked Lightning Kick (Multi-Kick Combo) L2 + X LT + A
Knee-High (Bicycle Knee Lift Strike) L2 + Triangle LT + Y
CombosPS4Xbox One
Spin Cycle (Spinning Superman Punch) Square Square Square X X X
Cyclonic Kick (Aerial Spinning Kick) Triangle Triangle Triangle Y Y Y
Roundhouse Ear-Ringer (Backflip Punt Kick) Square Triangle Triangle X Y Y
Rotisserie Kickin' (Overhead Enzuigiri Kick) Triangle Square Triangle Y X Y
Special ThrowsPS4Xbox One
Springboard Sling (Headscissor Takedown) R-up R-up
Twist and Snap (Swinging Neckbreaker Slam) R-left R-left
Atom Bomb (Aerial Piledriver) R-right R-right
Sweet Dreams Slingshot (Frankensteiner Takedown) L2 + R-up LT + R-up
Get a Grip (Armlock Irish Whip to Jumping Roundhouse Heel Kick) L2 + R-down LT + R-down

All-Rounder Class

All-Rounder Superstars don't excel at a particular aspect of their game, but they are versatile and balanced in all skill categories. They stand out in charisma and crowd appeal, so their Crowd Bar will fill faster than other classes.

All-Rounder Class Attributes

  • Speed
  • Health
  • Stamina
  • Punch
  • Kick
  • Throw
  • Aerial combat

All-Rounder Class Special Moves & Combos List Controls

All-Rounders can perform all types of Combos - for a total of 6 Combos (the most of any class). They can also perform 3 Special Moves and 4 Special Throws.

Special MovesPS4Xbox One
Chin Up (Jumping Uppercut) L2 + Square LT + X
Shooting Star (Flaming Left Hook) L2 + X LT + A
Hit the Floor (Trip Over) [After Irish Whip] L2 + Triangle LT + Y
CombosPS4Xbox One
Morning Star (Falling Attack) Square Square Square X X X
Flying Face Lift (Flying Thrust Kick) Triangle Triangle Triangle Y Y Y
Toothache (Superman Punch) Square Triangle Square X Y X
Overhead Charge (Overhead Double-axe-handle) Triangle Square Square Y X X
Wildfire Whip (Mega-Enzuigiri) Square Triangle Triangle X Y Y
Blazing Big Boot (Super Stomp) Triangle Square Triangle Y X Y
Special ThrowsPS4Xbox One
Tornado 1-2 (2-hit Combo) R-up R-up
Take Out the Trash (Tilt-A-Whirl Slam to Roundhouse Punt Kick) R-down R-down
Nap Time (Jumping Suplex) R-right R-right
Killer Corkscrew (Flying Corkscrew Neckbreaker) L2 + R-down LT + R-down

WWE 2K Battlegrounds Class Comparison

See below the detailed chart with the full comparison of all Statistics and Attributes for the different 5 Classes / Styles in WWE 2K Battlegrounds.

You can also check this Class Comparison table during a match to determine how to get the most from your Superstar. You can view it by pressing touch-pad / view.

wwe 2k battlegrounds class comparison full

Class Comparison: Combos Available

As we've seen, some combos in WWE 2K Battlegrounds are only available to be performed by specific classes:

wwe 2k battlegrounds combos controls by class

Class Comparison: Special Throws Available

There are 8 possible button combinations to perform Throws in WWE 2K Battlegrounds, but not all of them are available to every class.

Specifically, the 8th combination (LT + R-right) is only available to certain Superstars!

wwe 2k battlegrounds special throws controls by class

For all the information on WWE 2K Battlegrounds check out the WWE 2K Battlegrounds Main Section, and the full WWE 2K Battlegrounds Controls Guide.

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